Prof. Bailing Liu
Prof. Bailing Liu
Central China Normal University, China
标题: Achieving a Balance between Privacy Protection and Data Collection
Information privacy is considered one of the biggest issues in cyberspace because of the ever-increasing collection and use of personal information by companies. Largely driven by the Artificial Intelligence technologies, big data, cloud computing, 5G, mobile Internet and so on, companies have more direct access to consumers’ private data (e.g., real-time location, biometrics) than ever before, thus opening the door to privacy invasion. Data breaches raise privacy concerns that prevent consumers from disclosing their personal information, especially private information, thus preventing companies from obtaining and leveraging consumer data. Data collection must be balanced with protecting private information and consumer privacy; otherwise, companies’ credibility and ability to collect data from consumers would be jeopardized. This talk would share some opinions and related work about balance between data collection and privacy protection.
Bailing Liu woks as a professor at the School of Information and Management, Central China Normal University, China. She received her PhD degree in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Her research interests include information privacy, privacy protection, user information behaviors, and mobile commerce. She was the PI of three research projects on information security (2011) and privacy protection (2015, 2020) funded by the National Natural/Social Science Foundation of China. Her research has appeared in Information Systems Research, Decision Support Systems, Computers & Security, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Frontiers of Computer Science and more. She has been invited as keynote speakers and workshop chairs for some important international conferences, such as 2023 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems and so on. She won the China Information Economics Youth Innovation Award, she is also the young editorial board member of international journal Data Science and Management.