Dr. Azadeh Nemati
Dr. Azadeh Nemati
Islamic Azad University, Jahrom, Iran
Title: Intensive and Extensive reading: Similarities and differences
In this presentation, the researcher will first describe the reading comprehension and explains in detail what reading comprehension is. Then intensive and extensive reading will be dealt with. Furthermore, goals of intensive reading as well as main purposes of intensive reading will be explained. After that, key differences between extensive and intensive reading will be talked about and the presenter will focusalso on advantages and disadvantages of intensive reading with some examples. This presentation is good for teachers and students to find the similarities and differences of intensive and extensive reading with some tangible examples.
Dr Azadeh Nemati is an Assistant Professor in Iran, majoring in ELT. She is the member of Network of Women Scientists of the Islamic world and also the editor in chief of some international journals. She has already published + 10 books and + 30 articles nationally and internationally. She has presented in many international conferences and also supervised some MA theses. In 2010, 2012 and 2014 she was selected as distinguished researcher in the University.