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Anatolii Kretov
Prof. Anatolii Kretov
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China
标题:  Problem of Elements Returning of Launch Vehicles and the Ways of its Solution
Increased competition in the market for delivering payloads to outer space forces all designers and manufacturers of rocket and space transport systems to look for the most cost-effective solutions. The work is devoted to the review of main existing real and in projects the ways to save elements of launch vehicles for their reusable use. The analysis of three main re-entry ways the elements of launch vehicles, aimed at reducing the cost of bringing the payload to low earth orbit: rocket-dynamic, airplane and parachute. The cost of output of the payload is the most convenient and demonstrative indicator of the success of any rocket space transport system. Prime cost reduction is achieved by reducing the cost per launch and increasing the payload mass. The authors consider the use of aerospace parachutes as a priority one for salvation of elements for their reuse.
Anatolii Kretov Doctor Eng.Sc. (1999), professor (2002), graduated Kazan Aviation Institute (Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev – KAI). Since 2015, A. Kretov has been working as a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. Area of specialization: Design of high speed flight vehicles and hot structures. He is the author of 80 articles and coauthor of two books: 1 – Z.Wang, A.Kretov. Designing of Flight Vehicles with high heating.